There are really no words that can explain the feeling this creates! But I am so honored and proud to be part of Disciples Motorcycle Ministrie and the work we do!
We got to the muslim part of town to buy the grocery for the orphanege home and walking around with leather vests with Jesus is Lord on them made quite a few stares. But its amazing what a icebreaker a Salam Alekum can do. We left them smiling, wanted our blessings and even promised always the cheapest price.
To meet the children again touched my heart more than i expected and tears just started flowing. Especially when you see children abused in the worst way sitting here now a year later smiling and laughing and running around. Together with mama Esther we made all of them dinner, had some cake ofcourse and then we had a patchparty here, and moved the Disciples crew to the next level!
Mama Esther blessed the crew and all the children song the blessing over them. I was filming and crying, it was soooo powerful being in that room. See it in my story.